Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Preparing for your leopard gecko

      Preparing your tank for your leopard gecko. First you should consider if you are going to be purchasing more than one leopard gecko. If you are going to be purchasing 2 leopard geckos than you should probably purchase a 20 gallon tank. If you are only purchasing one leopard gecko than you should only have a 10 gallon tank. 
      The tank should be cleaned before you put anything in it. NEVER clean your leopard geckos tank with windex or any type of chemical cleaner, you should only clean the tank with water. Leopard geckos love hiding places, you should at least have two in your tank. Also keep in mind that  leopard geckos lick everything so make sure what ever you put into your tank should be cleaned first.

Many people want their leopard geckos to live in a natural environment, so they put sand in their tanks. I am telling you this so that you can keep your little friend for a long time, "NEVER EVER PUT SAND IN YOUR LEOPARD GECKOS TANK, EVER". I had a wonderful leopard gecko for just barley a year. I put sand into her tank and she died from a sand blockage in her stomach.

       If you have a ten gallon tank you should probably purchase a 75 watt daytime bulb and a 60 watt night time bulb. Also keep in mind that leopard geckos are nocturnal, and they need 12 hours of daytime light and 12 hours of night time light. I have a timer for the lights to go on and off, so that I don't have to manually do it. 
        Make sure that you have a humid hide for them. I only make the hide humid when its their time to shed their skin. If you do not know what a humid hide is, " it is a rock/container that gets humid when you put something damp in it. I use this...

Usually I just put a damp towel in it but some people like to use the moss. MAKE SURE THAT YOU DO NOT USE YOUR CITY WATER ON ANYTHING FOR YOUR LEOPARD GECKO!!! Only use bottled water. There are chemicals in city water that can damage your gecko severely.
      Heat pads! You will ALWAYS need a heat pad underneath your leopard geckos tank. Make sure that you have a warm side of the tank and a cool side of the tank. That means, have the heat lamp and the heating pad on the same side of your tank and on the other side of your tank you should have their water and food.
      Food supplies! You are going to have to feed your gecko meal worms and crickets. Meal worms are easy! They don't smell, they don't make noise, and they don't make a mess! You will need a mealworm bowl. The bowl should have tall edges so that they can't crawl out. If a mealworm gets loose while your not looking and hides for a few weeks, it will turn into a Beatle, and this Beatle can do harm to you little friend so make sure the bowl has good edges.

Crickets! They bring joy to your leopard gecko! Leopard geckos love to hunt, and they love to show off their skills in front of you. Make sure that you have a cricket keeper, to keep your crickets contained and fed.

Make sure the crickets are FED BEFORE THEY GO IN YOUR TANK! If the crickets are not fed before you feed them to your leopard gecko, they will literally eat your gecko from the inside out, (if your gecko doesn't kill it before it swallows it).

1 comment:

  1. Sorry guys that I don have any pictures. I don't understand why bloggers is being so stupid
